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Donation made in Switzerland

24th January 2018

The first donation of 2018 was made last weekend during the UIAA Ice climbing World cup event at Saas Fee in Switzerland. The donation of £25,000.00 went to the Swiss Cancer research foundation.  Santino Monteleone, representative for the foundation, received the cheque from UIAA president Frits Vrijlandt, and UIAA Sports Event Coordinator Rob Adie, while long time…

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First donation of 2018

17th January 2018

I am pleased to announce that CAC will be making a donation this weekend. It will take place at the UIAA Ice climbing event at Saas Fee in Switzerland. We will be donating £25,000.00 to the Swiss cancer research foundation. The presentation will be made by Mr Rob Adie from the UIAA and Liam Lonsdale…

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Climb Magazine

10th January 2018

Once again a huge thank you goes out to all the subscribers to Climb magazine. Sadly the company ceased publication of their Magazine last year and the money remaining in subscriptions was offered as a refund or their customers could choose to donate it to CAC. We received over £1200 from them initially and have…

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