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Edward Mills

12th April 2018

Edward is 8 years old and really loves climbing. For as long as he can remember, his Mum, Bekki has been living with Breast Cancer. This hasn’t stopped Bekki encouraging Edward to develop his interest and skills in becoming an accomplished little climber. Over the last year or so Bekki's cancer has spread to her…

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First donation of 2018

17th January 2018

I am pleased to announce that CAC will be making a donation this weekend. It will take place at the UIAA Ice climbing event at Saas Fee in Switzerland. We will be donating £25,000.00 to the Swiss cancer research foundation. The presentation will be made by Mr Rob Adie from the UIAA and Liam Lonsdale…

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Climb Magazine

10th January 2018

Once again a huge thank you goes out to all the subscribers to Climb magazine. Sadly the company ceased publication of their Magazine last year and the money remaining in subscriptions was offered as a refund or their customers could choose to donate it to CAC. We received over £1200 from them initially and have…

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Climb Magazine

1st November 2017

We are sorry to hear about the closure of Climb magazine. It was a great publication full of great articles and informative pieces with a large following. It will leave a hole on many shelves. Climbers Against Cancer would like to say thank you to all the regular subscribers who chose to donate the remaining…

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