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Crazy fundraisers

30th May 2019

Categories CAC News Fundraising Supporters

We have some amazing people who fundraise for us and who know how to put the fun in fundraising.

The latest on the list are van dwelling couple Holly Waller and Paul Cottee who go by the collective name of Crazy Ass Climbers.Follow them on their journey here…

Who, what, why, huh??

They decided that it would be a great idea to ride motorbikes 15,000 miles from their staring point in London all the way to Mongolia and then to cross a finish line in Ulan-Ude in Russia!  Taking part in the Mongol rally as they go, well , of course.. Why wouldn’t you ?!

Mongol Rally

To take part in the rally the bikes have to be less than 125cc, they will carry everything that they need with them and added to all that…  Holly has not long passed her bike test. That is some undertaking. She won’t be a beginner for long thats for sure.

The money that the couple raise is being split between Climbers Against Cancer and Cool earth who are working to halt the destruction of the rainforests. Check them out here:-


Head over to Holly and Pauls Just giving page and lets give them all the encouragement that we can to help those miles melt away and the bike saddles not seem quite as hard!
