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Mountain March time again

3rd March 2020

Categories CAC News Events Fundraising

Although we have left it a little late this year, it is time for Mountain March again!

This years event will be held on  Saturday 28th and Sunday the 29th of March.

We would like to see many people , be it individuals or groups joining in the fun and raising funds all of which will go towards the donations we make to research centres around the world.

Any way you choose to do it but lets all aim for that last weekend.

Just drop an email to [email protected] if you would like a fundraising pack or take the matter in your own hands and collect the cash yourself.

From £5 to £5000 it all counts, raise it how you can and involve as many or as few people as you wish. Its all down to you .

We do have some fundraisers on the case already but there is always room for more!!


