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The Rucksack Club supporting CAC – How could your Club get involved?

30th August 2023

We’re featuring a huge CAC THANK YOU! to The Rucksack Club who have raised over £10,000 for Climbers Against Cancer over the last couple of years. Here’s a few of the fundraising ideas they’ve come up with:

We’ve worked together to combine the well known CAC logo of Climbers Against Cancer with The Rucksack Club’s ‘Get Out There!’ for a range of T-Shirts, Vests and Cycling Tops, so the Club’s members can look good and do good when they’re Climbing, Mountaineering, Biking, Running, Walking or even doing Yoga. Here’s some of the merchandise we’ve come up with:

…and some shots of Club members ‘Getting Out There!’ in them.

In 2022 and 2023 The Rucksack Club produced a charity calendar in aid of CAC, with every image featuring a club member in one of the many activities of the Club, taken the same month of the previous year. Most importantly, the Club funded the design and printing so that every penny of the proceeds went to fund cancer research. A big thank you to everyone in the wider climbing community who bought one – look out for the 2024 edition which is currently on the drawing board and will be in the CAC Shop well before Christmas.

One Club member took the whole CAC idea to heart and held a fundraiser, undertaking the arduous Joss Naylor Challenge with proceeds going to CAC:

…and organised a bunch of slideshow fundraisers to take the CAC message even wider into the climbing community:

At CAC we’re really excited by the support we get from the whole climbing community. Climbing and mountaineering clubs are a vital part of that community, and we’ve pulled together some ideas of how we can work together to help raise funds for Cancer Research – check out our ideas with our handy guide here Your Club and Climbers Against Cancer

…or get in touch with your own suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!