I suppose I started climbing as a kid getting dragged around by my folks but it wasn’t until college(1988), that I really found the passion for climbing!
Once bit, I began pushing my skills and abilities to my maximum capacities. Along the way, I taught classes and guided,worked at a climbing gym (back when they were just starting). A few Big Walls and dirtbaggin’ in Yosemite. I took any opportunity to travel and climb. Australia, South America, and countless trips locally here in the Sierra. Naturally life changes, and climbing became an occasional hobby but the passion has never left.
Once diagnosed with a brain tumor five years ago, significant changes in my priorities in life have occurred. Many things are far less important than before. After seizures, an awake craniotomy, chemotherapy and handfuls of pills daily, I have had to put a greater importance on maintaining a positive attitude and one of the things that has always had me pumped up was climbing!
At this point I don’t climb often enough (more of an armchair mountaineer) but I typically still do an annual trip to Colorado to Ice Climb.